Egypt’s PM: Eid Al-Adha Vacation from 15 to 20 June


Eid Al-Adha, one of Islam’s main holidays, is set to commence on Saturday, 15 June 2024, according to an official announcement from Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly. “[Eid Al-Adha] is an official paid holiday for employees in ministries, government agencies, public authorities, local administration units, public sector companies, and public business sector companies,” a ministerial press release published on Facebook explained. The private sector will experience a shorter holiday, from 15 to 18 June while 19 to 20 is taken from annual leave days, according to a Facebook statement from the Ministry of Labor. Business owners could also call on employees to work during the two unpaid leaves, instead. Egypt’s Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha starting with Eid prayers at dawn, followed by the ritual of sacrificing an animal – often a sheep, goat, or cow. The sacrifice honours the story of Prophet Abraham, who was willing to sacrifice his first-born son Ismail as an act of submission to God’s command. Subscribe to the Egyptian Streets’ weekly newsletter! Catch up on the latest news, arts & culture headlines, exclusive features and more stories that matter, delivered straight to your inbox by…

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The post Egypt’s PM: Eid Al-Adha Vacation from 15 to 20 June first appeared on Egyptian Streets.

Source: egyptianstreets